If the plunger did not remove your toilet clog, an unraveled coat hanger may do the job. Cut the coat hanger and straighten it out. Push the coat hanger down the blocked toilet and try to push the blockage through with a twisting motion. If you can’t feel the blockage, it may be out of reach and need professional attention.
Unclog Your Toilet with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Another way to unclog your toilet is by using baking soda and vinegar to hopefully dissolve a blockage. First remove half the water from the toilet bowl. Next, pour one cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar down the toilet. It will bubble quite frantically, but do not panic, this is normal. Leave it to sit for around 20 minutes before trying a flush.
If all Fails, Call Your Plumber to Unclog Your Toilet
If your toilet refuses to unblock, you’ll need to call your
local Logan plumber. It may be that your toilet has a broken part or that the blockage is way down in the piping system.
AJP Plumbing are experts at drain unblocking, residential and commercial plumbing issues and emergency plumbing. Call anytime to get your toilet unblocked fast.