Has Your Water Bill Suddenly Increased? This Could Be why…

Has Your Water Bill Suddenly Increased? This Could Be why…

A suddenly high water bill is a concern for a few reasons. It’s a waste of the precious resource water, it means you’re losing money and it could point to a problem in your plumbing system. Experts reveal that household leaks account for 10,000 gallons of water wasted a year and some 10% of homes leak over 90 gallons a day!

If your water bill has suddenly increased, it’s important to pinpoint the problem as soon as possible. Always contact your local Queensland plumber for expert advice about your plumbing. Let’s take a look at the common reasons for a high water bill and what to do about it.

5 Common Reasons for a High Water Bill

1. Leaky Taps or Pipes

Leaky faucets and pipes are a very common cause of water wastage. It’s so easy to ignore a dripping tap as it seems minor. But, even a tap leaking 1 drip per second adds up to around 17 gallons of wasted water a day! One cause of a leaky tap is the rubber washer being damaged in the faucet handle. Shut off the water supply to the tap and change the washer or call in your local plumber to help.

2. Running or Leaking Toilet

A constantly running and leaking toilet can add hundreds of dollars to a water bill with water wastage of up to 6,000 gallons monthly! If you hear the toilet water constantly running, an odd hiss noise or more obvious water on the floor, your toilet could be wasting water. The most common cause is a faulty flapper. Get a new one from your local hardware store or talk to AJP Plumbing.

3. Underground Pipe Leak

Occasionally, a high water bill can be caused by a leaking lateral pipe that feeds water from your metered connection to the house. This pipe could have cracked, or the joints may have become loose or worn. Other causes are tree root invasions, pests and general ageing of pipes. If you suspect a lateral line leak, it’s best to consult a professional.

4. Irrigation System Leak

If you use an irrigation system in the garden, a cracked or broken pipe here could be causing the spike in water consumption. Even when the irrigation is turned off, water could be leaking out. Check for unusual wet patches or areas of the garden that are more lush than others. To be sure, it’s best to consult a professional plumber if you suspect this type of leak.

5. Old, Outdated pipes and Fixtures

Many homes have been around for a long time and the plumbing will probably be pretty ancient also! As more time passes, the plumbing will continue to deteriorate in the form of rust, cracks and stress. This can lead to leaks and less efficiency, causing your water bills to spike. Talk to your local Queensland plumber about water efficiency upgrades such as; low flow water saving toilets, aerators for faucets, water saving shower heads and new piping.

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5 Simple Ways to Preserve Water in Your Home

5 Simple Ways to Preserve Water in Your Home

Drought is a common problem in Australia. And as populations increase and natural water sources decline, it’s important for everyone to play their part with water efficiency. Australia is one of the driest inhabited continents and with there being no control over the weather, relieving the stress on our water sources should be on everyone’s mind. There are simple steps you can take to preserve water at home. With a little effort, you can cut water wastage significantly in the shower, laundry, toilet, garden and sinks. Let’s take a look how.

How to Conserve Water in the Kitchen?

While you may not realise it – handwashing your dishes uses up to three times more water than a dishwasher! If you have a dishwasher, save your hands and water by using it. Other ways to save water in the kitchen are;
  • Fit aerators on your faucets
  • Install single-lever mixer taps
  • Start a compost pile for waste instead of using an in-sink garburator
  • Get your local Logan plumber to fix leaks
  • Wash fruit and veg in a bowl instead of under running water

Reduce Water Consumption in the Shower

Experts reckon we use up to 10 litres of water more per minute when using an older showerhead model. Save water and install a water-efficient showerhead. Other ways to save water in the shower are;
  • Use a shower timer
  • Install a low-flow showerhead

Simple Ways to Save Water in the Toilets

Single flush cisterns use 9-11 liters of water per use. Dual flush cisterns use 3 litres for half a flush and 4.5-6 litres for a complete flush. The toilet is where the largest amount of water is used in a home. If you haven’t already, install the dual flush model which is largely more water efficient. Another way to save water in the toilet is to use a tank float booster. This can save up to 10 gallons of water a day. Talk to your local plumbers to make your toilet more water efficient.

Decrease Water Usage in the Laundry

13% of water usage in Australian households goes through the laundry. By making a few smart choices, you can save a large amount of water here.
  • Save 35% on water bills by using an energy efficient washing machine. Choose a model that has a WELS star rating of 5 or higher
  • Wash only with full loads and only once a week if possible

Water Saving Tips for the Garden

While you may think you’re doing your garden good by watering excessively. The thing is, much water can be wasted due to over watering and when it runs off and away from plants. Here are some water saving tips for the garden.
  • Water plants late in the day or early in the morning. These are the times when evaporation is lowest
  • Collect greywater to use for plants. Some ideas are collecting water used from washing fruits and veggies and the used water from the washing machine
  • Don’t keep the hose running when washing your car. Use a bucket of water and just hose the car down at the end
  • Consider installing an automatic irrigation system
  • If you use sprinklers, check the water doesn’t get wasted spraying over paved areas
  • Consider drought resistant plants that need little water and maintenance

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